Welcome to my Sisterlock Hair Journey!

Welcome to my blog and thank you for visiting. I have been natural for 2.5 years and I started my sisterlock journey on Sat, June 12, 2010. I am so excited about my journey and the newfound freedom that I now have. I only have one favor to ask, please do not copy my photos without my permission.

Thank you:)

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Runner's High

Well...I completed the race yesterday and it was GREAT! My time was about 39 min so I'm satisfied with that considering this was only my 2nd race. We were so pumped and excited before the race. Afterwards, not only were we pumped, but we def experienced what they call a "runner's high". It was amazing and we felt sooo good. The "Black Girls RUN" running group are some fantastic ladies and the camaraderie we have as runners of all levels is a sure way to get ANYONE out there and moving. Such motivation and encouragement...a great team of ladies whom I'm excited to have met.

I was ready to get this party started! :)

Couple of views of the route.


Later on in the night, the ATL-Black Girls RUN group were able to get to know each other and not just run to 'Preserve the Sexy', but get all dolled up and 'Observe the Sexy'!

It was nice having a couple glasses of wine and just hanging out....without looking all sweaty and nasty..lol.

Black Girls RUN POWER!! :-)

SN: The photo with me in the middle, the young lady on my left...she's an RN at Grady Hospital and she looks JUST LIKE the actress Debbi Morgan. Check out the resemblance...and Debbie's CUTE natural hair:)

She said she hears that aaaaaaaaaaalll the time. It's those dimples! ;)

It looks to me that my blog has taken a funny twist...will it be about hair & my Sisterlocks progress or about my new found excitement about running?? How about a little bit of both? :)