Welcome to my Sisterlock Hair Journey!

Welcome to my blog and thank you for visiting. I have been natural for 2.5 years and I started my sisterlock journey on Sat, June 12, 2010. I am so excited about my journey and the newfound freedom that I now have. I only have one favor to ask, please do not copy my photos without my permission.

Thank you:)

Thursday, July 19, 2012

My baby and I ran a race together on Saturday, July 14, 2012. We did the Decatur DeKalb YMCA 4 miler sponsored by the Atlanta Track Club. It was our first official race together where we actually ran in intervals. We walked whenever she got tired and I didn't push it. My most important concern was to make the race as enjoyable for her as I could because I know she doesn't like to run that much. Since she had such a good time, I'm really hoping she'll be encouraged to participate in more:) She did awesome and we finished those 4 miles like a piece of cake! YAY ZEE!!!

2 years and counting..

                                Two years, five weeks and 2 days....STILL loving my hair!!