Welcome to my Sisterlock Hair Journey!

Welcome to my blog and thank you for visiting. I have been natural for 2.5 years and I started my sisterlock journey on Sat, June 12, 2010. I am so excited about my journey and the newfound freedom that I now have. I only have one favor to ask, please do not copy my photos without my permission.

Thank you:)

Saturday, June 30, 2012

5th Annual HBCU 5k Race

This morning, I supported our HBCU's and participated in the 5th Annual HBCU 5k.  I ran this same race last year and this event has raised over $124,000 for scholarships benefiting deserving metro-Atlanta students.  No, I'm not an Alumni of an HBCU school, however, my sister and cousin are graduates from Spelman and Morehouse. :-)

On my way to the race...before I changed into my blue Run Girl Run shirt:)
Sisterlocks were acting right this morning and helped me get ready in 20 min;-)

We had much fun!

We love taking pics!

Myself with two of my fav running buddies, Raquel and Lisa (post race pic, lol)

We all had a great time..BGR was there representing.  I attempted a sub 30, that didn't happen as it was WAAAAAAY too hot.  The highs this weekend are in the triple digits, and the race didn't start until 8:35am.  Who's silly idea was that?? Smh.  At that time, the temp was already in the mid 80's.  It was super hot and I had no business thinking I'd PR, lol.  Shortly after the race started, I realized that I was just going to have fun and not bother attempting to beat time, run fast and hard, etc.  I took my time and enjoyed the run.  End results...about 36 min.  Another 5k on the books.  Next up...the 2012 Decatur-Dekalb YMCA 4-miler:)

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