Welcome to my Sisterlock Hair Journey!

Welcome to my blog and thank you for visiting. I have been natural for 2.5 years and I started my sisterlock journey on Sat, June 12, 2010. I am so excited about my journey and the newfound freedom that I now have. I only have one favor to ask, please do not copy my photos without my permission.

Thank you:)

Monday, June 18, 2012

Another 5K....One Love Stache Dash

Here's a 5k race I did on Cinco de Mayo and it was super fun! The One Love Stache Dash 5K.  This race was hosted by Tin Lizzy Cantina (Buckhead Location) and 100% of the proceeds benefit One Love Generation, a tax-exempt, non-profit organization that empowers youth to inspire positive local change through art, service and awareness. The registration was $25, and in turn, you receive $25 worth of vouchers for food and drinks at Tin Lizzy to use after the race.  Um...WIN WIN!! :)

I PR'd this race, completed in 33 min.  Now, I have been running for about a year now...I think it's time I work on my speed.  I have been so concerned with my endurance and pacing myself through breathing, etc, however, I'd like to finish a 5K in at least 30 min or less by now...  So we'll see..because I'd like to work on speed, but a Full Marathon is on the horizon eventually, so my endurance and distance is also very important.  I gotta keep that in mind..

Yes, I did run with the sombrero AND mustache!! LOL! Oh..and sunglasses! Too cool;)

Saw my cuz Ray, he raced too! Don't know if he kept the mustache on or not...

My running buddy Lisa and I....she saw the camera..I didn't. I was too hot and trying not to pass out!
This race didn't start till 9am!! SMH. I was irritated with that because it was so hot and humid, but feeling nice afterwards with my margarita so I got over my irritation fast!:)

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