Welcome to my Sisterlock Hair Journey!
Welcome to my blog and thank you for visiting. I have been natural for 2.5 years and I started my sisterlock journey on Sat, June 12, 2010. I am so excited about my journey and the newfound freedom that I now have. I only have one favor to ask, please do not copy my photos without my permission.
Thank you:)
Thank you:)
Sunday, December 5, 2010
1st Annual Sisterlocks Explosion

Retightening My Own Hair!!
Okay, last week Sunday, I realized that I had to yet again reschedule a retightening appt that I had and I began to get frustrated and missed being able to do my hair myself. My having to depend on someone else to do my hair is a bit troubling, so I decided to give it a shot.
The first thing I di
d was go to Walmart and purchased yarn sewing needles (4 in a pack..about $1.50). I contemplated purchasing the "nappyloc tool" for $19.99 but didn't want to spend that money if the retightening seemed too difficult for me to do on my own. Not to mention, several people were complaining about dropping their nappyloc tool down the drain only to have to order another one!! I decided to research online what other ladies were saying about retightening their own hair, and come to find out, a lot of people do their own re-ties!! I viewed several youtube videos (sshhhh, a no no....I know...). Learning through some youtube videos is usually frowned upon and the proper way to learn how to retighten SL is by registering for the SL retightening class for a fee of $250. Maybe I'll do that in the future..but not right now.
Here are some pics of what my hair looked like right after attempting my first lock...

Here are some pics of what my hair looked like right after attempting my first lock...
I was able to complete about 4 locks in 15 minutes!! Now that was a little scary, considering I have about 400 in total at the least! So on Sunday night, I completed the perimeter of the front and sides...had to look presentable for Monday:) I was pleasantly surprised at how nice my hair looked. I finally completed my whole head by Friday evening, 12/3/10. Yes, that is almost a full week, but keep in mind I didn't work on my hair until late in the evening, which was about 10 pm. I have learned my lesson though, my next attempt at retightening myself, will be on a WEEKEND!
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Lookin Good

Taking Forever to Lock!!
So, my last re-tight was Thurs, Sept 23. Not that was 6 weeks since my re-tight before!! I don't know if I can wait that long again! My hair is doing great, just seems to be taking forever to actually start "locking". Wanda was a bit surprised at my ends..they aren't in the least bit in any rush to lock, but my hair is all natural, which is a little puzzling that they're taking so long. So, as a result of my ends, I am still using the Sisterlock Starter Shampoo. I have a trick to my hair so my ends don't appear frizzy since the hair is loose hair. Each night, I have been going to sleep with my hair braided and curled with rods at the ends. Now, this look is soooo not attractive for bedtime, lol, but if I want my hair to look the way I want it to the following day, hey, I gotta do what I gotta do. Here are some pics of my hair the following day after my re-tight and some pics of what my hair looked like before my appointment as well. Wow, I must say...my hair was looking RoUgH, lol. But I'm sure I was the only one who really noticed. Silly me, I was worried that my grid was gone, but Wanda assured me not to worry. She said as long as the re-tights are always done correctly and the locks are not combined, my grid won't go anywhere:) My next re-tight is this Thurs, Oct 28!
Okay...here are the pics after my appointment...do you see a difference?? I do!! lol
Monday, September 13, 2010
19th Annual For Sisters Only Expo
Over the weekend I attended the 19th Annual For Sisters Only Expo at the Georgia World Congress Center. This is a two day event featuring live performances by A-list performers, unique shopping, family friendly activities, and last but not least, top name vendors offering free samples, giveaways and valuable information. While there, I got the courage (LOL) to ask some like minded random people for pics of their locks. In Atlanta, you can't help but run into so many different styles for natural hair. I was hoping to run into sisters sportin some Sisterlocks, but unfortunately, I did not. Traditional locks were representing this day, but you know what, we're all pretty much in the same family:-) Check it out...
Hair Update- 3rd Re-tight Rescheduled
Well, my third re-tight has been rescheduled for Monday, Sept 20. I was initially scheduled for tomorrow, Sept 14, but had to reschedule due to another appointment that I completely forgot that I had. Here are some shots of what my hair looked like on Sept 7. I really want my hair to grow...I'm being real impatient. :( I need the 20th to hurry up and come because I feel like my hair is looking pretty rough... Will post more pics of what my hair looks like after my re-tight, maybe I'll see some length too :-)

Monday, September 6, 2010
My Mom and my Sisters
Had a great day
at my parent's house for Labor Day weekend. We had some great food, jerk chicken, brats, burgers, ribs, rum punch was amazing and some hilarious stories were told. It's always great times when spent with family and I absolutely love spending time with mine. My mom is newly natural..she did the BIG CHOP and she's lovin her hair. She keeps tellin me, "Natalie...my hair is so easy..I love it." My mom is Jamaican and she initially did not like Sisterlocks. She would tell me, "I think Dreads are ugly." I'm like (SMH), "Mom, these are not dreads, they're locks." I don't think my family believed I would really get them, but once I did, she has been giving me compliments and says I wear them nice. Let's see how she like them once they "lock". My sister, Kaydene on the other hand, has loved Sisterlocks from the moment she and I were browsing Sisterlock hairstyles online. Anywho..mom and sis are both natural now. Welcome to the club ladies!! :)
Here's Kaydene and my adorable nephews Kaden and Kai. Kaden will be four this month and Kai will be two in Dec. (she's got her HANDS FULL with those two...and that's an understatement!). Check out her natural hair:) Thumbs up!

Here's Kaydene and my adorable nephews Kaden and Kai. Kaden will be four this month and Kai will be two in Dec. (she's got her HANDS FULL with those two...and that's an understatement!). Check out her natural hair:) Thumbs up!
SL and Exercise
Since having SL..
.I have tried to increase the level of my workouts a tad bit..lol. When I was flat ironing my hair...I was so mindful of my hair and not sweating it out. All my "workouts" consisted of that light, 3.0 speed on the treadmill..and would try my BEST to NOT break a sweat. I put that word in quotes because I wasn't really doing anything. It was better than nothing, but I didn't really feel like I just had a good workout. Getting in a good workout period was out of the question for the day of my fresh wash or even days later. I would literally wait until after I was close to my next wash before I would even go near a treadmill, much less an eliptical machine. Aaahhh, I was such a slave to my hair, it was depressing. Even when I had a perm, I couldn't do too much as far as sweating, especially not if I had plans in the next couple of hours afterwards. Now with my SL...I workout whenever I want to and at any type of intensity I feel like. These SL are simply amazing and worth every penny:-) Oh yeah..I'm losing a lil weight too..I might as well mention that:) From these pics, does it look like my hair is growing?? I can't tell..to me it doesn't look like it:(

Before my SL, I couldn't even do that. My hair would be an afro and I would need to flat iron all over again. Sisterlocks....I love u!!
Sunday, September 5, 2010
3 Months in and still LOVIN MY HAIR!!!
Hey everyone! My first re-tight was Wed, July 14 and it took 2.5 hrs! That was actually a much shorter time than I expected. My consultant, Wand
a Washington, is THE BEST. I had intentions of counting how many locs I have, but have not done so yet. I'm still using the starter Sisterlock shampoo and I shampoo about once a week or every 10 days at the most in between washes. Before my 2nd re-tight, my shampoo finished and Wanda w
as completely sold out. I ended up ordering on the SL website and the shampoo arrived in about a week. While waiting for my order to arrive, I bought some SeaBreeze to spritz my scalp since I didn't have my shampoo. Let me just say--SeaBreeze smells like medicine!!!! I don't like it at all and it was a waste of money because I won't be using it again.
In my early stage of SL, the itching was extreme. I read that itching is common in the beginning stage and I'm just HAPPY that that stage has passed. YAY...NO MORE ITCHING:D My scalp is doing great, the only negative aspect of the early stage is all the flaking your scalp does!! I still have some flaking going on in the front, but not like it was several weeks ago. To try to minimize all the flaking, I went and bought some Nizoral Shampoo for like $10 (available at your local drug store, cvs, walgreens, etc.). The Nizoral helped a little (smells pretty good too) but I didn't see a big difference.
I had my se
cond re-tight on Wed, Aug 11 and Wanda says my hair looks great:) However, Wanda actually wasn't the one to do my re-tight that day, a "trainee" at her shop did my re-tight...which I was cool with. She did a great job and my hair was nice and tight, but she took 5 hrs:( For my 3rd re-tight that is scheduled for Sept 14, I will be having WANDA do it. Wanda just got me spoiled with that 2.5 hrs, I love how fast she is (EVEN with interruptions, lol).
Today is my 12 week mark with my SL and I'm absolutely LOVIN my hair!! I get several compliments from strangers and many people are just curious to what exactly is going on with my hair, lol. They're not sure what they are, oftentimes people mistake them for braids.
I love how different I look compared to others considering you don't run into women with SL on a daily basis. At work, a lot of women are curious about them and ask several questions. I'm glad to share the information if you're sincerely interested, but it gets annoying if you're just being nosey and you have absolutely no desire/interest in SL. Many AA co-workers of mine wear perms, weaves, or wigs and made it clear that they have no love for natural hair. With that being said, why are you asking me all these questions?? Do you and Imma do me....sigh..I digress.
Well, I think that's all for now...stay tuned for my next re-tight...Byyyeee:)

In my early stage of SL, the itching was extreme. I read that itching is common in the beginning stage and I'm just HAPPY that that stage has passed. YAY...NO MORE ITCHING:D My scalp is doing great, the only negative aspect of the early stage is all the flaking your scalp does!! I still have some flaking going on in the front, but not like it was several weeks ago. To try to minimize all the flaking, I went and bought some Nizoral Shampoo for like $10 (available at your local drug store, cvs, walgreens, etc.). The Nizoral helped a little (smells pretty good too) but I didn't see a big difference.
I had my se

Today is my 12 week mark with my SL and I'm absolutely LOVIN my hair!! I get several compliments from strangers and many people are just curious to what exactly is going on with my hair, lol. They're not sure what they are, oftentimes people mistake them for braids.

Well, I think that's all for now...stay tuned for my next re-tight...Byyyeee:)
Sunday, June 27, 2010
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